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Mood Board

Create Your Own Mood Board


Create Your Own Mood Board…

Our mood board (or inspiration board) is an online digital collage of ideas to help get our customers creative juices flowing. Mood Boards are commonly used by interior designers to help blend fabrics and furniture together to bring a room to life.

If you are designing a room from scratch or simply selecting which scatters cushions will go best with your new sofa we believe starting that design process with a mood board is a good idea for the following two reasons:

  1. Gather your ideas If you are designing a room start by working out a theme you think works best within the current space. Then think about the layout and the items you would like to place within that space.
  1. It helps you. Have you ever purchased an item and then found that it doesn’t quite work within the current scheme? or simply doesn’t do or had the effect you wished it did. By creating a mood board we irradiate those issues by allowing you to see those choices prior to going through the purchasing steps.

3. Choose your base colourThe base colour represents the largest area of colour in your room, so it’s important to add that colour to your mood board. Also, think about textures, too.

4. Add an accentThis is an important decision. Do you go for a dramatic contrast, or an accent just a few tones away from your base colour? Use your mood board to play around with options and layer up the board with swatches and scraps.

5. Create mood with accessories These will really set the tone for your scheme – go for accessories which share a vibrant accent colour and stick to a single theme; maybe contemporary, or country or eastern. Don’t get carried away and mix up different styles, or your scheme will end up looking messy rather than eclectic.


How to create your first Mood board

Creating your first mood board is easy. To start simply save products to your Wishlist. Then in your customer account area select view mood boards. Then simply drag and drop images from your favorites onto the mood board canvas. Once on the canvas, you can resize or rotate images using the blue handles that appear when you click on an image. Changes to your mood board are automatically saved as you work.

Browse our Community of Mood Boards

Here you can view a range of mood boards built by our community. You can also browse by room type by choosing “Browse More”, or if you wish to contribute your own Mood Board, you can do so from your account and choosing for the mood board to be public and it will be included for the world to see.
